Project info

School Fit Out Company in Dubai - Fit Outs for Schools, Colleges Dubai

Education Fit out in Dubai | School Interior Fit out Dubai

We can assist with school space planning, mechanical and electrical work, furniture suites, and providing complete interior fit out solution in Dubai, guaranteeing that your modern educational place is both functional and attractive. Simply give us a short brief and we’ll do the rest! We can provide reception areas, office fitout, junior school center, washrooms, cafeterias, and other interior fit out facilities for any type of schools, colleges, and educational organization in Dubai. In addition to classrooms. Take a peek at our school fit out s to see what we’ve done for a long list of happy customers. Marking USBC Interiors as one of the leading and best interior fitout company in Dubai

  • (1) Gypsum Works
  • (2) HVAC & Electrical works
  • (3) Wood working
  • (4) Window Works
  • (5) Wooden doors
  • (6) Civil activities
  • (7) Solid surface works
  • (8) Site visits

Custom Furniture’s: our competence includes bespoke furniture design, fabrication, and installation. We can manufacture any critical parts you need, intended to reflect your branding and match your unique requirements, making it the ideal answer for situations when an off-the-shelf approach won’t work.

USBC Interiors is specialized in turnkey Interior Fit-outs for residential & commercial spaces in Dubai




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